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Remisenfest Hochdorf Lucerna 07-08.09.2019 https://forum.duegieditrice.it/viewtopic.php?f=39&t=101404 |
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Autore: | crosshead [ domenica 15 settembre 2019, 9:14 ] |
Oggetto del messaggio: | Remisenfest Hochdorf Lucerna 07-08.09.2019 |
La Remisenfest Hochdorf è una mostra internazionale di modellismo ferroviario che si tiene ogni anno nella Remise di Hochdorf, ove l'originale incontra il modello e il modello incontra l'originale. Remisenfest Hochdorf Luzern der Historischen Seethalbahn 2019 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YW73IWUiN9I Remisenfest Hochdorf 2019 - Exhibition of small layouts - Part 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J7OU9LuKT7w As a part of the "Remisenfest" Hochdorf, several excellent small layouts were shown. In Part 1 you see La grande lessive à la Thumeau Florence Yard Moulin Margot (by Marcel Acklé) Achtung, Feldbahn kreuzt (by Marcel Acklé) Flamsbana The layouts were in various scales, from HO scale up to large scale. All layouts are filled with lots of details and exhibit excellent model building skills. The event took place on September 7th and 8th in Hochdorf and was hosted by the Seethal Railway Historical Society. Remisenfest Hochdorf 2019 - Exhibition of small layouts - Part 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IlRzEzHUHf8 As a part of the "Remisenfest" Hochdorf, several excellent small layouts were shown. In Part 2 you see Vom Schieferberg zur Kohle Cushman, Oregon Fabrikanlage Industriebahn Riedmatt Balzmättere Moos Remisenfest Hochdorf 2019 - Exhibition of small layouts - Part 3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OHYYE_0JT60&t=483s Non perdetevi il favoloso plastico di Hanoi "Ga Long Biên" presentato all'inizio As a part of the "Remisenfest" Hochdorf, several excellent small layouts were shown. In Part 3 you see Ga Long Bien, Chateau Migraine, Cuperdon Branch, Line Willburg. |
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